Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The future of the electric car (Pt. 2)

Another organization is working towards the goal of electric cars as well. Repower America is an organization promoting the goals originally conceived by Al Gore in a July 2008 speech.

Like Project Get Ready, Repower America recognizes the difficult first steps to making electric cars a viable option. However, rather than work on consumer confidence, Repower America is directly tackling the infrastructure necessary for plug-in electric cars.

The basic goal of Repower America is to convert to 100% renewable energy in America in 10 years. One of the main tenets of this goal is to completely revamp and modernize the electrical grid, which would include adding access for plug-in electric cars. Revamping the grid is necessary to take full advantage of renewable energy sources, as many operate with peak and low hours (solar, wind, etc) and require energy storage and transfer capabilities not currently possible.

As advocates from Repower America work to make their goal happen, systems will be designed to conduct the necessary transfers and storage of energy, which will impact how electric car owners receive and pay for the energy they use.

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